Reflection of Learning Poetry Unit

Over the past six weeks Division 1 has learned about poetic devices and was introduced to a variety of poetry forms. Please reflect on the last six weeks when you answer the following questions.

1)   What did you learn over the past 6 weeks about writing poetry?

       I learned about poetic devices and different types of poems.

2)   2) What did you learn about yourself and your abilities as a poet? (Did you discover that you had a natural gift at writing, or that you connected easily to the learning? Was writing good poetry more difficult than you expected?)

The poetry was as I suspected I knew it was going to be a little bit difficult because I would have to dig deep down to find that poet in me.

3)   Where did you grow the most as a learner?

I think I grew more fluent in my writing and my way to express my self as a writer. Writing paragraphs was harder before the poetry started.

4)   What are you most proud of with regards to this unit? Explain why.

I’m proud of my self as a poet. Before this subject started I didn’t think I could do it. After the final project I can look back at my learning from when I made my first poem to my final project.

5)   Where do you feel that you still need to grow? Explain.

I think I need to make more imagery in my poems. My free verse was more like a paragraph instead of a poem. Finding poetic devices in it should have been easier but I maybe got 1 in the entire poem.

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